Receiving Healing and Wholeness

In the Gospel of John, we read about a man that Jesus made whole.  The King James Version of John 7:23 says he was made every “whit” whole. The word “whit” actually means down to the tiniest ioda!  It means complete wholeness — not one detail is missed!

The woman in the fifth chapter of Mark who had a blood disease for 12 years (and went broke going to so many doctors) was made “whole” when she touched the hem of Jesus’s garment. I believe wholeness for her was in every area.  Yes, her body was made whole, but God doesn’t just stop there. He’s the kind of God who restores down to the tinest ioda! That means ALL areas! Including the money lost because of sickness, the missed days of work, the fun she missed out on with her friends and family, missed opportunities, possible guilt or shame, and anything else related to the disease.

In order to receive Healing and Wholeness, we must first believe God wants us to be healed and whole. The way we find that out is by going to the Bible and reading what His will is. We cannot go by what other people have said about God, we must read it and know it for ourselves. 

Just think about Jesus, you will never read about Him not healing someone who came to Him in Faith. He healed everyone, every time! As a matter of fact, Jesus told us that sickness is of the devil (John 10:10, Luke 13:16). Jesus doesn’t want us to have anything that is of the devil — anyone can see that. So we must first believe it is God’s desire for us to be whole so we can get on with the process of receiving from Him!   

I encourage you to listen to the Wellness from the Word scriptures I read on this site. We have received so many testimonies of Healing from people all over the world who have listened and received their Healing from God.  Proverbs says that God’s Word is medicine to all our flesh. So as you hear God’s Word, just think of it as taking your medicine. You take medicine more than once — sometimes it may even say to take it three times a day — and as you do, the medicine begins to do its job. God’s Word is medicine that never fails to do it’s job! There is healing power in God’s Word. It’s our responsibility to take it by reading and hearing. Romans 10:17 says that Faith comes by hearing God’s Word. As we feed our Faith by Hearing God’s Word each day, the process of Healing and Wholeness begins.  We will pick up from here next month. Blessings!


PROVERBS 4:20-22
My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health  (medicine) to all their flesh. 

For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD.

PSALM 107:20
He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered (them) from their destructions.